MS Dhoni Cricket Academy

MS Dhoni Cricket Academy

SGR sports is continuously working hard to groom young talents into pro cricket players. Cricket is like a religion to Indians and now it's time to bring the dream of being a great cricketer into reality. Our cricket academy is a perfect platform to become a winning cricketer. We also help students to build their physical, mental, and technical approach for the game.

The SGR sports is associated with the great cricketer, M.S Dhoni. It is a MS Dhoni cricket academy in India. The legend visits the academy frequently to ensure that the students are getting the right training.

With certified coaches and all the cricket facilities, we are the No. 1 cricket academy in India.

Residential cricket academy facilities


We are partnered with Gaikwad Patil International School, Nagpur to give students the finest education. Our active learning techniques, personality development, cultural, sports, and teaching methods differentiates us from other schools. We provide endless learning opportunities and assure that your child becomes a pro.

Gaikwad Patil International School encompasses many features that are beneficial for a student. We focus on the intellectual and creative growth of a student. We are different from other schools in many areas and a leading name in India.

SGR Sports academy is a combination of providing excellent education and sports training to the youths.


The students also have top hostel facilities where students are given complete care and comfort. The rooms are clean, spicious, and have all the necessary and modern amenities needed for your child's development. Students learn and play in a protected environment.

Cricket facilities

We provide high performance training and bring out their real cricket talent. Students can here witness a variety of sports services including National and International tournaments. We also have a specialized training campus by ICF certified coaches. The MS Dhoni cricket academy in Nagpur is a perfect platform for cricket lovers.

SGR Sports academy also have:

    • Turf, 3 cement & 3 matted pitches
    • Automatic bowling machine
    • Day & Night time practice net
    • Focus on mental conditioning
    • Regular Matches and Tournaments
    • Sports shop for quality cricket gear
    • Specialized training campus by BCCI level 3 coaches from India
    • Systematic and holistic progress plan of every student
    • Reciprocal international tours for students to experience different playing conditions in preparation for their future
    • Quarterly report card for each student

    Be assured that we train the students completely along with the quality education. Join the academy now and see your cricket career touching new heights.

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